Western Dressage Lessons
Western Dressage honors the horse, values the partnership between horse and rider, and celebrates the legacy of the American West.
What to Expect in a Western Dressage Lesson
At KKM, most often offered as a series of group lessons designed in progression to teach the horse and rider to move in balance with a beautiful ease of understanding within the pair. A group of two to six riders take a lesson running 45 minutes or 90 minutes, as they choose depending on their level of fitness or finances. These lessons often have a specific topic that is taught throughout the session by theory (talk or drawings or example), demonstration, exercises and coaching to develop the topic in each horse/rider pair. Sometimes the Group works as a whole. Sometimes each rides individually or in pairs for part of the session. A PA system makes it easy for all riders and observers to hear what is being said. This format is particularly useful for those new to a skill or for those who are not to fit enough to ride nonstop the entire session.
Western Dressage Topics
Topics include Basic Rider Position, Lateral Work, Half-Halts, Tempo Control, Improving the Gaits, Reinback, Show Attire, Figures and Movements, and Test Riding. These skills are useful for improving the partnership between horse and rider whether for competition or just to have a more useful horse.
If you’d like to improve the partnership between you and your horse, want the security of the Western saddle, would enjoy the colorful possibilities of Western attire and like to learn with your friends or in a friendly like-minded group, contact us to schedule.
Also offered as Individual Lessons. In either format, let KKM help you enjoy your horses more.